Scheduling Household Tasks to Better Manage Your Life – Deciding how to effectively and efficiently tackle major and minor house-cleaning tasks can be daunting. Even just making a schedule can sometimes seem tedious but once it’s done, then it’s just implementing the process, which can still be an issue. However, with everyone in the house participating with some reward system, the tasks can get done without too much trouble.
But scheduling houshold tasks according to daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal categories can be a way to streamline your life and breathe a sigh of relief when these tasks are completed.
3 Scheduling Household Tasks to Better Manage Your Life
With Covid-19 always a consideration now in household maintenance, special attention should be given to make sure hand sanitizers, disinfectants and other products that help keep areas germ and virus-free are within reach. Keep hand sanitizer on the ready going out and coming in the house.
To maintain efficiency and order daily, cleaning schedule tasks can include keeping the kitchen tidy by doing dishes, wiping counters and bathroom sinks after use and sweeping or vacuuming the kitchen floor. Daily tasks also should include doing laundry if necessary, cleaning up clutter such as stray toys and other items out of place and sorting mail.
Everyone should have a task they can do every day. Find what someone likes to do and assign that task to that person. OF course, no one really LOVES to clean but some clean things better than others and would prefer. If you can’t decide, draw from a hat or jar each day the task that needs to get done and then do that one task. Everything will get done and no one will get stuck doing the same job all the time. You might even find that someone in the house cleans a certain area or excels in one spot better than another.
Weekly tasks can include wiping down kitchen appliances, other surfaces and trash cans; cleaning out the fridge and freezer, vacuuming or sweeping in living areas, changing bed linens; and dusting and cleaning glass, toilets, tubs, showers and sinks.
These too can be assigned but I will admit, the weekly can get a little lax. You clean and before you know it, it’s the end of the week or the start again and you have forgot to do certain things. This is where assigning the task a day of the week might be more helpful and not seem as overwhelming. In our house, Friday is always laundry day. If the kids forget to bring their clothes to the laundry room, they are on their own. But if all laundry gets to the room that day, it will get done, dried, and put away all the same day. Then no one has to think about it until next Friday.
On a monthly basis, deep clean the microwave oven and refrigerator. Wash rugs and disinfect handles, doorknobs, railings and light-switch covers. Also, monthly dust air vents, light fixtures and ceiling fans and change or clean furnace and vacuum filters. Seasonally clean window treatments and wash windows.
Monthly can really get lax because the task is not assigned on a day of the week but sometime during the month. But it can be put on a calendar for easy remembering. For instance, we have a butcher block counter that must be oiled once a month. I have it on the calendar on the first of every month and now everyone is used to clearing off the counter at the end of the month for this task on the first.
By following a schedule like this, you can stay ahead of the chaos that ensues when dust bunnies, stuff strewn around a room, piles of laundry and gross, moldy food in the refrigerator derail your best intentions for gaining control of your household chores.
Cleaning can be daunting but only if you have to do it all at once and all by yourself. Get help when you can and even small children can be assigned easy tasks to get them in the habit. Maybe you’re thinking of moving and need to clean the house AND keep it cleaned. Simply assigning tasks and making no mess that can’t be cleaned up in 30 minutes or less will make the process much easier.
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